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Pittsburgh Organizations


Edible Schoolyard Pittsburgh


Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens





School Gardens, MSU Library Reference Guide



Digital Collection

A digital collection of images and documents

in the public domain


Greene, Louise M.  1911.  Among School Gardens.  New York : Charities Publication Committee.


Sipe, Susan. B.  1912.  Some Types of Children's Garden Work. Washington.  US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry and Experimental Stations.  


Kennard, Beulah. 1914.  "The Playgrounds of Pittsburgh."  The Pittsburgh Survey, Ed. Paul Kellog.  New York: The Russel Gage Foundation. 


Jarvis, C.D., 1916.  Gardening in Elementary City Schools: The Pittsburgh Plan.  US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education.



Newspaper Articles

Fair to End the Vacation School Term, The Pittsburgh Press, August 6, 1910

Children's Vegetable Contest Was on Today, The Pittsburgh Press, July 2, 1912

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